Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Jen's Britney Look
Party Eyes - Jemma Kidd 'Crushed Jewel Creme Duo'

Set your eyes a light with Jemma Kidd's 'Crushed Jewell Creme Duo', the cream base & shimmering jewels can help you create a striking look worthy of any catwalk! Apply the cream shadow base first of all across the lids, don't take it any higher than the socket line, then with a fluff brush sweep the loose powder jewels over the cream which will hold them in place. Blend it out softly in circular motions to create an even finish, also for an even more striking look apply a little of the cream base under the lower lash line & then with a cotton bud blend some of the sparkles over it. One tip though, as it can get a little messy, do it before apply your foundation so you can patch up any loose sparkles that fall down while you're creating your master piece!
Available at Boots £12, latest colour Released this week in 'Bronzite'

Makeup Bargain Alert!!!!!

I have been following your blog for a month or so now and I love it. I have tried a few of the tutorials and I really like it, my only problem is the whole color issue. I don't have a whole lot of them in any brand so I have been using what I have. It is still fun. I found a little secret that I am going to check out and most likely buy. It is at Kohls so people can buy in the store or online. I thought it might help you with telling us what colors to use or even so more of us will have the colors you use. I love your blog and hope this will help.
Go get it ladies!!!! This is a steal and will give you many of the colors you need for tutorials and is a great way to start or enhance your makeup collection on a budget!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Halloween By Mac!
Looking for some halloween effects for this weekend...well look no further!! The Mac make-up artists have been busy at work creating some frightful designs that will be sure to make you stand out at any party! Check out the clip below -
Contest Update!!!!!
Okay, because Halloween is on Friday and our contest is a Halloween look start submitting!!!!! Let it begin =). The first Classy Cosmetics Contest...say that five times fast....whew!!! Now those of you that know me know that I take things too hard when my expectations get the better of me. In other words, it will REALLY make me sad if I don't get any entries. I am just bubbling with excitement so send your pictures OR videos to by Thursday and we will announce our winner on Halloween!!!!! By giving me your picture, just know that it may be posted for others to enjoy. Voting is based on scientific methods, which means my 3 year old will decide....J/K. Get going, send them in, and the winner will get MAC shadows!!!!!!!!! Any Questions? =) I'm excited.
Best Matte Powder - Estee Lauder Double Wear

After searching for a matte powder that gives great coverage without caking as well as a long lasting finish Estee Lauder's 'Double Wear Long Lasting Powder' works wonders!
It creates a soft matte finish, controls excess oil & shine without drying the skin as well as minimising pores. It will set your make-up perfectly & the powder won't change colour either as it wears, plus it stays put - even increasing the wear of cheek colour as well.
Generally for oily to combination skin, it's perfect for keeping a fresh matte look all day without constant shine touch ups!
A little pricey, but it does last well so well worth it (£22.50).
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Just Wondering
Most of you have voted for a Halloween look for our contest. Unless something DRASTIC happens, that will probably be our theme..THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!!!! Just wondering though, how many of you will actually SUBMIT a look? Picture me with my skeptical face cuz I'm a wearin it =). To submit, have a picture of your scariest, funniest, most wacky, or original Halloween face sent to Voting will then commence, and a winner will be named!!! Leave your contact info in the email so that I can call you to get your fav colors and I will award you with three MAC colors!!!!! When we get bigger as a blog we will have other companies donating prizes. Asking again.....who will submit??? =)

So remember that I LOVE craft store paint brushes? Remember how I have encouraged you ALL to go out and get Maxine's Mop? Remember how Maxine is a friend of my Mother-In-Law's? Okay, enough of the remembers...I MET HER!!!!!! Let me just say that she is spunky, fun and FaBuLoUs!!!!! She was teaching a painting workshop out where my M-I-L also teaches so I went out there...and maybe I was a geek and got her to sign my brushes....and I was able to tell her about the blog and how we all love her brushes. I made sure to only use her brushes that morning too...I really am a nerd =). She was absolutely tickled and will be visiting the blog =). Isn't she lovely?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Make-Up Hall Of Fame - Eight Hour Cream

Over the last few months we have been doing our very own 'Make-Up Hall of Fame', for all those fantastic products & tools that keep us looking at our best, it will consist of the true tried & tested items that come up trumps every time proving themselves to be timeless classics that no beauty junkie should be without! Any suggestions on what you think & any products you feel should definitely be put forward let us know -
Without a doubt Elizabeth Arden's 'Eight Hour Cream' is one of the world's most successful beauty products, initially created by Elizabeth Arden herself in 1930 it now has iconic status mainly for it's healing capabilities for minor skin irritations as well as it's versatility. The range now includes lipstick to hand cream & body moisturisers however the original is still the best seller of course! Here are just a few uses for this multi purpose product - helps sooth legs after shaving, soothes sunburn & helps to maintain your tan, skin & lip protector from the drying effects of sun & wind, perfect to shape unruly eyebrows, all over make-up highlighter from brow bones to cheek bones as well as mixing with eye shadow to create a dewy glossy finish!
The list could go on forever which is why it truly deserves a place in the Make-Up Hall Of Fame!
Why not treat yourself to the Vintage Collection out now (Pictured Above) £16
This Month's Best New Product - Max Factor Miracle Touch Cream Blush
New - Nars Orgasm Nail Polish

Definitely one of Nars' most successful & iconic products is their 'Orgasm' Blusher, which has since been expanded to a lipgloss & then earlier this year (delightfully) to the 'Multple Orgasm', a sell out product for the lips & cheeks.. As if that wasn't enough the 'Orgasm' Nail Polish hits the shops this week, so we can have the perfect peach shimmering shade from head to toe! Also look out for the Nail Polish & LipGloss Sets this Xmas.
Nail Polish - £13
Latest Anti Aging Facial - Electro Acupuncture

The latest in beauty technology is the Electro-Acupuncture Facial which can eliminate fine lines & wrinkles without the aid of botox..
Without the use of needles the non-invasive therapy involves placing gold plated electrodes over certain reflex points on the skin as with acupuncture. A small micro current is then passed through to energise the skin cells to boost the skin's oxygenation & nutrition which boosts collagen production, this also helps to absorb the skin products that are used in the facial. Facials take around 45mins & unlike botox are pain free & relaxing... Prices From £60, 5 to 10 sessions are recommended.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Must Have Fragrance For Winter!

Just released during Fashion Week is master Milliner Stephen Jones new fragrance which is set to be the must have scent for winter! It is launced in associaton with avant garde fashion label 'Comme des Garcons' & is his first fragrance, it combines a blend of violets, clove as well as rose & carnation.
It come is of course a hat box style package, a perfect gift this christmas too...! (£75)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Benefit's Big Beautiful Eyes!

This autumn, eyes are smokey, neutral & contoured which is why Benefit's 'Big Beautiful Eyes' Eye Contour Kit (£17.50) is a must have! It even includes a step by step guide on application so you can't go wrong! Firstly it has Boi-Ing Concealer as a shadow primer, after this is applied take the 'Alabaster Pink' shadow as a base across the lid, then take the 'Cocoa Shimmer' into the socket lines & finally create a smokey finish with the 'Rich Chocolate' brown shadow as a liner. The set also comes complete with two brushes to help you blend & perfect! Perfectly proportioned to pop into your hand bag, you can create a subtle day look for work & then darken it afterwards before you head out for a glass of wine at the end of the day...!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Latest Trends - Glittering Nails

Over the last few seasons dark nail polish from Black to Midnight Blue have been one of the hottest trends but as winter draws nearer glitter nail polish is becoming a popular look to keep your eye on! As always Barry M leads the way with bright sparkling colours & their Glitter Nail Paint will give your a nails a fabulous shimmering finish this winter! With colours ranging from Red to Deep Blue as well as Silver & Gold sparkles or even Purple & Pink the choice is endless, also their Silver glitter (Hologram Hexographs) can be applied over another colour to create a bold glittering look. Always use a base coat & top coat to keep it in place, plus make sure you go for a strong nail polish remover to remove all traces of glitter after the weekend! £2.95 Each.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Easy Everyday Looks
Here are some every day, I don't have a ton of time looks. They are great for blue and green eyes and will pop on dark skin as well. Enjoy!!! I look like I'm saying, "Oh BOY!!!!!"
Colors Used:
- Rust Color
- Peach Pigment
- Cream (brow bone)
- Bronze Cream Base
- Rust Color
- Peach Pigment
- Cream (brow bone)
- Bronze Cream Base
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tyra Banks Latest Shoot - ANTM Eat Your Heart Out!

Tyra Banks latest shoot for US publication 'V Magazine' has just been released, in between her busy schedule for her hit tv show 'America's Next Top Model' she managed to strike a pose showing her skills as a top model herself are second to none!
The shoot plays homage to the cult 70's movie 'Mahogany' which stars Diana Ross as a girl from the Bronx who makes it as a world famous model & fashion designer.

Tyra herself as become one of the most famous & influential women in America, starting out as a Model to TV Presenter & Entrepreneur who is also the show's producer for ANTM, so it is fitting to see her in this modern day take of the movie.

Tyra herself has always taken a very healthy view of self image & never succumbed to the 'heroin chic' look that happened in the 90's, she looked further ahead at other opportunities in producing & writing, she says ‘I created America’s Next Top Model one-hundred percent. I was in my kitchen making tea one morning and I looked out the window and the idea popped into my head. I wanted it to be American Idol meets Ford Supermodel of the Year meets The Real World.', the critics dismissed it at first but were soon proven wrong by Ms Banks as it's since been sold in 120 countries - Go Tyra!!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Chanel Mascara Review

St Tropez's Ultimate Golden Body Collection
Something New
So, I know that all of you don't buy MAC or have some of the colors. I have been building up my collection for YEARS!!!! I have some literally that date back to 1998, so please don't think that I have all the money in the world to buy them =). Something new that I decided to do for you is that at the start of each post I have put the generic colors that I used i.e pink, deep blue. That way you can pull out any brand color that you have and use it =). Hope this helps ladies!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Green Orchid Tutorial
Shadow Colors Used:
- Lime Green
- Wine/Plum
- Brown
- Creamy White (brow bone)
I don't care WHO you are or what eye color you have DO THIS TUTORIAL!!!!!!! I want to hear from you on this one because it is SO my fav now!!!!! I have NEVER worn a look two days in a row and this one is going on THREE. I LOOOOOVE IT!!!!!! =) The video just doesn't even do it justice. You don't have to use all MAC products but the color combo really is the key. SO pretty!!!

- Lime Green
- Wine/Plum
- Brown
- Creamy White (brow bone)
I don't care WHO you are or what eye color you have DO THIS TUTORIAL!!!!!!! I want to hear from you on this one because it is SO my fav now!!!!! I have NEVER worn a look two days in a row and this one is going on THREE. I LOOOOOVE IT!!!!!! =) The video just doesn't even do it justice. You don't have to use all MAC products but the color combo really is the key. SO pretty!!!

So the voice over cut me off right before I gave a vital detail to the look. On the brow bone all over is a touch of Vanilla but right at the arch use a couple pats of a white color to give it a pop!!! =) I used White Avalanche by MAC.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Getting Perfect Skin
So, no I do NOT have perfect skin but this is how I go from AAAAAAAHHHH to, okay, not too bad.
Makeup Organization

Here is what I am going to start using to hold all of my pigments and 5 gram jars. It is a nail polish wall mount and you can mount it any where you do your makeup!!!! How hot and organized is that?????
Has anyone else's child started the "fake" cry/whine? Kayson uses it ALL the time now, so this is me getting just a bit annoyed with him using it for the 17th time that day =). He's laying and lamenting under my chair.
Victoria Beckham's New Bird Poo Facial

Just as you thought celebrity beauty regimes couldn't get any wackier Victoria Beckham's new facial hits the headlines & yes it really does consist of bird droppings, well nightingale droppings (that makes it a bit better doesn't it..!?)
Of course it undergoes a fair amount of treatment before it gets anywhere near your face, it's the enzymes contained within the poo that provides all it's miracle working properties! 'Guanine' is an illuminating amino acid & has apparently been used by the Japanese for centuries to keep the skin youthful in appearance. This is extracted from the lovely bird droppings then dried out & mixed up with other ingredients such as green tea, gold leaf & shea butter, then treated with UV light in order to create a potion the likes of Victoria Beckham would allow on her face! It is said to leave your skin glowing & instantly refreshed, it comes at a price though, £135 for a 90Min Session!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So what do you guys think about a contest with the prize being free makeup? Should it be a Halloween theme? Doing your own take on one of the tutorials? Craziest, funniest or best makeup? Let's put it to a vote. I think that it would be SO fun so I vote YES!!!!!! =) What would you guys like to do? If you have done the looks email me pictures!!!!!! Take pictures of what you have gotten and give a review and I'll post you on here. Let's get everybody involved here ladies =). Have a great day!!!!!
New From Laura Mercier - UnderCover Pot

Laura Mercier are renowned for their amazing range of foundations & now they have just released this new ingenious little pot, it combines their award winning Secret Camouflage Concealer with loose powder for easy touch ups on the go! The concealer duo is on the top of the pot & then underneath is a re-fillable stash on translucent powder, perfect hand bag sized!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Perfect Skin All Day - Rimmel's New Lasting Finish Foundation

Rimmel's latest offering 'Lasting Finish 16Hr Foundation' promises to go the distance from day to night giving you fresh flawless skin all the way - perfect for partying straight after work on a Friday! It is a light weight liquid with added minerals to keep the skin looking healthy & is also non transferable onto clothes. Users have been giving it the thumbs up so far, with many saying it's one of the best foundations they have tried in a long time, in fact quite a few swapping their Estee Lauder Double Wear for this cheaper alternative saying that is gives a fantastic coverage but also feels very light on the skin. Many others also found that there was no need for concealer either & over all it made their skin look a lot more toned, plus it was easy to blend & it really did last all day. On the down side though the lightest shade 'Ivory' (comes in 5) is a little too dark for paler skin tones, but over all it seems to be a winner! (£5.99)
Friday, October 3, 2008
I know I look scary =) and it's taken me a while to get this one done but here it is, after many requests...eyebrows...hope you're not disappointed =).
Clinique's New Super Defense

Clinique have just launched their latest anti-aging cream 'Super Defense SPF25 - Age Defense Moisturizer' it claims to protect against the four main factors in premature aging - sun, pollution, time & stress. Recent findings have proven that stress can age the skin the same as the sun & pollution, Clinique's new moisturizer helps to 'insulate' the skin from aging by supporting is natural repair processes & providing a barrier to keep the skin firm & supple as well as protecting against future damage.
Also look out for their night cream 'Super Rescue - Antioxidant Night Moisturizer', it helps to repair any damage to the skin & keep it perfectly hydrated while you sleep..
Available at all Clinique counters from £24, there are 3 types - 'Very Dry to Dry Skin Types', Dry Combination Skin Types' & 'Combination Oily to Oily Skin Types'
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy Fall!!!!!

Pink Ribbon Campaign Supported By Beauty Counters.

Breast Cancer Research is being supported by a number of beauty companies so that for each item you buy from their specially selected range, a donation will be made to breast cancer research. So it's the perfect time to go & treat yourself, knowing that while you enjoy your new purchase you'll be doing your bit to help out as well! Some of the companies taking part include, Estee Lauder (pictured above), Clinique, Creme De La Mer, Aveda, Prescriptives, John Frieda & Jo Malone. Bobbi Brown has created a Pink Ribbon Collection which is a of a lipstick & lipgloss duo set, a moisturising pink lipstick with pink glitter gloss that they will generously donate the full purchase price to the Breast Cancer Research. Look out for the range at all counters, many are labelled with the Pink Ribbon & full information on the donations made from each product.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pictures, Pictures!!!

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