Saturday, October 31, 2009

After birthday

Hello ^^
Thank you so much for your all wishes! I love you guys!

So I am 16 years old. I think that nothing has changed, just the fact.
It's funny, because I am 16, but everybody think I am 13 or something like this.
What do you think? :D

Yesterday I went with my mum to the centre and she bought me 3 mangas as a present for my birthday. Happy ^^ And I bought some cosmetics (Essence). They are very cheap <3 I want to show you my photos with curls. :D

Ponytails, haha

Momo <333


Momo is so cute, I love her. :3

Tomorrow in Poland everything is closed.
Today is Halloween but I don't have any plans. :( Guess I will stay at home. Boring >.<

I got an award from Livia!

Thank you so much sweetie!
I love you ^-^

I give this award to:


Expensive Junk













Sheri Amor

I can give it only to 15 people, that's the rule. I am sorry, because I love all your blogs!
But I am thinking about my own award, that i will give to you ^-^ So wait please :)

And some giveaways!

The Pola-Dotted-Apple's giveaway

And some answers:
  • What is your most prized possession?
Well, it's a hard question... I think I don't have it yet.
  • What is your definition of beauty?
Beauty inside and outside. Natural look is very important.
  • What makeup item (Brand and name of product) would you recommend to me?
I like Essence and Mayballine. :)
  • What is your favorite KIND of makeup item and why?
Hmm... I love lip glosses <33>
  • A weird factoid about you. :B
  • I eat supper at 17:00.
    • What is the fondest memory of your childhood?
    Traveling with my parents.
    • Describe yourself honestly.
    Sometimes I am shy. And I am fragile. I don't like when people shout at me. I am honest and I like helping my friends.
    • Tell me something I could do to improve my blog.
    Well, I don't know :) I like your blog and always read it.

    Good luck for me! :D

    Annie&Michelle's giveaway

    See ya!!!

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